Translating Service

High Quality
Reasonable Prices
+49 (0) 511 10553795+49 (0) 176 72260604
Our agency is open from Monday to Friday: 10.00 -17.00
E-Mail, Whatsapp: 7/24

Translating Service

"Translation is the other side of a tapestry " (Cervantes). The job of a translator lies not in the exact transfer of the words meanings from one language into another, which leads to the negative phenomenon of literalism, but in creative thinking and search of semantic counterpart of speech or text in another language. Meanwhile, in the translation process a translator`s background knowledge participates, the knowledge being the summary of his life experience for the moment. This is the reason why machine translation is basically impossible. Neither a computer nor any software possesses life experience. Yet, we do not demand from a translator to produce a reproduction of the original. The main purpose of our translators is to communicate to a listener or a reader the sense and the style of an oral speech or a written text in a way providing complete understanding.