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Law & Legal
Legal translation can be subdivided into the thematic parts as follows:
- documents translation in the field of civil law (economic contracts, power of attorney, liabilities, warranties etc.)
- written translation of criminal-procedure documents (verdicts of "guilty", sentences, expert findings, protocols of interrogations and court sessions etc.) and oral translation during investigating actions and court sessions.
The documents translation within the field of civil law is performed as a rule by certified translators, also having legal education. Translation which should be produced for criminal procedure institutions is performed not only into wide-spread languages, but also into many exotic languages. Among these are, for instance, education documents (diplomata, certificates, qualifications etc.), citizens` personal documents (passports, certificates etc.), certificates of origin of the Goods, report documents of business trips etc. Official documents are standard. Therefore their translation demands special skills and knowledge from a translator. The translators approved for official documents translation confirm their qualifications by passing an appropriate test in the authorized state body of an appropriate country. As a result, the translator is conferred the qualification of a juror, certified etc. and with his signature and stamp is able to certify the fidelity of the document translation he performed to the original.